手作城市藥草鹽 x 北投篇 x Foreign friends are welcome - (天母店)





2小時|含以下過程 1-4



  1. 透過五感,認識城市裡的民俗植物

  2. 透過五感,以直覺挑選喜歡的漢藥,組成自己的城市藥草鹽配方

  3. 解釋每種漢藥的涵義

  4. 搗鹽、裝瓶



  1. 對漢藥有興趣的朋友們

  2. 手作活動,最有心意的聖誕節禮物

  3. 外國人士也ok! 老師可以中文、英文互動溝通!



  • 活動資訊以本活動網頁公告為準,主辦單位保有修改、調整活動權利。

  • 報名者即同意無償授權主辦單位使用活動期間拍攝之報名者畫面,並刊登運用於主辦單位之社群平台、電子報、平面刊物及其他露出通路等相關頁面。

  • 取消報名與退費,請於各場次活動日前3個工作天至報名平台會員專區申請,逾期恕無法受理,另不得申請換場、退費。

  • 若有任何疑問,請洽詢敦煌書局天母門市:02-2874-2199  (週二至週日10:00~19:00,週一公休)




"Handmade Urban Herbal Salt - Beitou Edition"



Through the exploration of local folk plants and common Chinese herbs found in urban pharmacies, participants will learn about the city's stories and the culture of its residents. By creating their own unique urban herbal salt, they can take home the spirit, memories, and supportive energy of the city.



2 hours | Includes the following processes 1-4



  1. Recognize local folk plants through the five senses.

  2. Intuitively select preferred Chinese herbs using the five senses to create a personalized urban herbal salt formula.

  3. Explain the significance of each selected herb.

  4. Grind the salt and bottle it.


Target Audience

  1. Friends interested in Chinese herbs.

  2. A heartfelt handmade Christmas gift.

  3. Foreign friends are welcome!



  • Activity information is subject to the announcements on the event webpage, and the organizer reserves the right to modify or adjust the event.

  • Registrants agree to grant the organizer a free license to use footage of them taken during the event for publication on the organizer's social media platforms, newsletters, print materials, and other related channels.

  • To cancel registration and request a refund, please apply through the member area of the registration platform at least 3 business days before the event. Late requests will not be accepted, and transfers or refunds are not permitted.

  • For any inquiries, please contact the CAVES Bookstore Tianmu Branch at: 02-2874-2199 (Tuesday to Sunday 10:00 AM - 7:00 PM, closed on Mondays).

